APAC webinar marathonDear APAC Members and Affiliates
The APAC Communications and Promotion Committee (CPC) leadership have organised a series of short webinars on environmental topics from 21-23 September 2021, 11:00 - 13:00 UTC.
They include scheme owners covering the following topics:
The attached agenda provides further details including the webinar link as follows:
Zoom meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83945390428?pwd=SlhKQWRTOXVMWEllSUs5cFZsYWpzdz09
Meeting ID: 839 4539 0428
Passcode: 079451
The webinars are for personnel and stakeholders of APAC Members and Affiliates and APAC Evaluators. Please invite any persons that may be interested.
If there are any APAC Members that have specific experience in the above topics and would like to make a short presentation during the webinars please contact Dr. Aparna Dhawan, the APAC CPC Chair at cbccpc@apac-accreditation.org