Eurolab: Accreditation and standardisation weekly notice (17)
IAF informs that, as of 28 April 2021, the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) will withdraw all accreditations of Assure Quality Management Certification Services Pvt. Ltd. (AQMCS), 1172 Sector-11, Panchkula Tri City Chandigarh 134109 INDIA, for the issuance of certification without any procedural compliance, and merely in exchange of money. JAS-ANZ will maintain any certifications issued by AQMCS on its register for ninety days from the date of public notice being included in the Times of India newspaper, to enable those clients to transfer to another JAS-ANZ accredited certification body.
The ILAC Inspection Committee held its 18th meeting on April 22 under the new chair, Lorraine Turner of UKAS. Attached is the report prepared by Keith Mowry.
EA is revising its Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure. Please see attached email for more details. The documents will be discussed at the upcoming GA, on the first day of May 20. The documents will be circulated for a 60-day comment period on May 21. Quick observations: EA members will no longer be Full and Associate. Four categories - A, B, C and D - are identified. The significance seems to be that UKAS will be able to remain in EA as a B member with limited rights. It is unclear what is the goal of D membership as it allows any NAB that is a member of a recognized regional accreditation organization, presumably from anywhere in the world, to join EA.Article 17 of the AoA that covers interested parties shows no change from the current AoA. The RoP, article 14 – Cooperation with interested parties - indicates no changes with respect to the current version, EA 1/17 A:2021.