Below is a general recap of the attached documents with some additional information:
TCQA_21_12_CookBook 03 Handling of Untestable Deviating Samples_reviewed.pdf
TCQA_21_13_CookBook 05 Conflict Handling within the Accreditation Process 03_Jan 21_jgpw_asr.pdf
TCQA_21_03_Status on the implementation and accreditation audits ISO-IEC 17020.2017 2020.pdf
TCQA_21_14_CookBook 23 Complaints 4rd draft.pdf
TCQA_20_39_Draft minutes_Remote_09.12.20.pdf
TCQA_21_07_Remote HTF draft scope.pdf
TCQA_21_01_Draft Agenda_Remote_19.02.2021.pdf
TCQA_21_02_CookBook 04 on Use of Interlaboratory Comparison Data by Laboratories_02_2021.pdf
TCQA_21_05_CookBook 12 on Use of Excel Data Handling in Laboratories_02_2021.pdf